Hannah Paris’ ‘Frontline Fighters’ Out Today!
While some of us may be spending lockdown sitting on the sofa over-indulging in chocolate, wine and box sets, Essex based country artist Hannah Paris has been using her enforced time at home in a much more constructive way!
Today sees the release of her new single, inspired by her own experiences of quarantine in recent weeks, which of course many of us will be able to relate to. But ultimately “Frontline Fighters” is, as the title suggests, Hannah’s tribute to all the key workers who are playing such a massive role in keeping the country running as smoothly as possible in these challenging times. “ We clap for you, united we stand for you” she sings in the chorus.
Starting off with some delicate acoustic guitar picking, the energy picks up for the second verse with a switch to strumming, adding variety to the accompaniment which also includes some subtle keys courtesy of her father. The pure, clear vocals we have come to expect from Hannah soar beautifully throughout.
My favourite part has to be the song’s bridge though, I just love how she uses the analogy of stars ( or as she calls them, “ hope in the dark” ) to describe these everyday heroes as well as provide us all with some much needed optimism.
A beautiful and uplifting release for these current times, thank you Hannah!
Review written by Lesley Hastings (twitter.com/lesleyhastings)