The Coaltown Daisies – Tiny Heroes
Our Christmas song of the day is ‘Tiny Heroes’ by the Coaltown Daisies. According to the duo – “The intention behind this song is to send a message to adults to be more considerate and encouraging towards the dreams and aspirations of children and young people. The ‘Tiny Heroes’ in the song are the children and young people themselves who are better able to hold onto the sense of possibility and magic that little bit longer”.
50% of DOWNLOAD sales will go to the 16+ Activity Agreement programme at Cupar Youth Cafe in our home region of Fife helping the most vulnerable of young people gain the confidence, skills and resilience needed to achieve their own goals and aspirations.
I’m sure you’ll agree that the song has a wonderful sentiment and it is brilliantly performed. The Coaltown Daisies are one of a number of Scottish artists we’ve featured on the site this year and there is little doubt that there is some amazing talent coming from the country. Below I’ve also shared another song from the duo – “The Whisky Song”, a track that was the official theme song of World Whisky Day 2017. This shows another side to the Coaltown Daisies – with an amazing infectious quality.
To find out more about the duo head to their Facebook page here and click their website here