An Interview with Ana Cristina Cash
Ana Cristina Cash just recently released her latest album ‘Shine’, and we were lucky enough to chat with the singer songwriter all about the release, her career highlights, a very special co-write and more.
Hi Ana, I want to start by asking you about the release of your latest album ‘Shine’ just last month. It’s an incredible listen! Aside from the Roy Orbison and John Anderson renditions, you wrote or co-wrote every song on the album. The whole project must have been an absolute labor of love?
Yes! The recording of “Shine” was an absolute labor of love. I truly enjoyed writing these songs and collaborating with several writers during the process of creating the record. It was recorded over a span of 3 and a half years, and it was produced by my husband, John Carter Cash and recorded at the Cash Cabin Studio.
Tell us about ‘Brand New Pair of Shoes’ which appears on the album. It has a very special story behind it?
“Brand New Pair of Shoes” is a co-write between myself and my father-in-law, Johnny Cash. My husband John Carter Cash brought his father’s unpublished lyrics to “Brand New Pair of Shoes”to my attention and entrusted me with composing the music for it . When I read the lyrical content, I immediately felt that it needed to become a jazz song. I kept Johnny’s lyrics intact, although I did rearrange the order of the words so that it could properly fit in with the music I created.
You married producer John Carter Cash in 2016 and your daughter, Grace June, was born in 2017. How have these dual huge events in your life influenced your music career?
My marriage to John and the birth of our daughter, Grace June, definitely influenced the recording of “Shine”. Overall, the album has a pretty positive and hopeful vibe.
You’ve had many highs in your career. If you had to pinpoint one particular moment, what would it be?
Two of my favorite moments were performing at the White House for the President in 2006 and my Grand Ole Opry debut as an individual recording artist playing my original music in November 2019.
If you could pick the perfect gig, where would it be, and who would join you on stage for a duet?
I absolutely adore Shania Twain. It would be a dream to do anything with her.
Obviously, the Covid-19 is creating a tough time for artists right now. How are coping with the lockdown?
The first few weeks of the lockdown came as a shock to me. I think my feelings of shock subsided over time, although my family and I are still being extremely cautious. I have gotten a lot more into cooking and have been trying a hand at making several creative meals for my family that touch on variations of international cuisine.
To finish, tell us about any upcoming plans you have in 2020.
I have plans to record a new album in 2020 and I’m pretty excited about it!