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Lose Weight After 50: Nutritionist Reveals Secrets to Effective Intermittent Fasting!

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Maigrir après 50 ans : un nutritionniste révèle comment réussir un jeune intermittent efficace

Taking a break from eating for several hours can offer numerous health benefits, including weight loss. However, if you are over the age of 50, here’s how you should approach intermittent fasting to make it truly effective.

Intermittent fasting has become one of the most popular dietary approaches for shedding pounds. Essentially, it involves abstaining from food for extended periods. The plan alternates between eating and fasting phases, during which you can only consume non-sweetened beverages. Depending on personal preference, this could mean skipping either breakfast or dinner. While the positive effects of this regimen are well-documented, the question arises: is it the same whether you’re 50 or 20 years old?

In an article from the online magazine Prevention, dietitians noted that intermittent fasting offers numerous health benefits for those over 50. However, American studies have shown that while this diet can aid in weight loss, it is not necessarily more effective than simply reducing daily caloric intake. If you’re in your fifties and considering this approach, thoughtful meal planning is crucial. It’s important to prepare balanced meals that include fats, fibers, and protein sources essential for maintaining muscle mass and overall health. After the age of 50, it’s recommended to consume between 1.2 and 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. “The best way to optimize your intake is to focus on foods high in lean animal proteins, such as egg whites, cod, tuna, mussels, or chicken or turkey breast,” explains Scott Keatley, a nutritionist who specializes in obesity issues. He adds, “It’s also important to note that as we age, our ability to absorb these nutrients decreases.” Therefore, it’s crucial to distribute these nutrients throughout various meals.

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As you can see, intermittent fasting is a viable option if you’re looking to lose a few extra pounds. However, it is quite restrictive. Before starting, it’s wise to consult with your doctor, who is best equipped to advise you based on your individual health profile.

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