Louise Parker Makes 50,000+ Stream Live Return
Friday saw the first live performance from Louise Parker since the beginning of lockdown. Louise, who is managed by us at Belles and Gals, performed a hometown gig in Chelmsford. The event was set up specifically as a live stream from the popular Hotbox venue in Chelmford City Centre and saw Louise perform for an hour. The whole set was made up of Louise’s original songs, including favourites such as ‘Story of Love’, ‘I’m Moving to Nashville’, ‘Chances Are’ and her recent smash hit ‘Lie to Me’. The set was rounded off with a glimpse of ‘Just Friends’, which Louise revealed this week will be her upcoming next single – released in early October!
The stream has taken off on Facebook, with more than 57,000 views on the stream since Friday night, and shows just how popular the Essex based artist has become. You can enjoy the whole show on Facebook here – https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=319357559134386&extid=JTW887meNkMMii77
Louise Parker’s ‘Lie to Me’ – the official video