Lucy Blu’s ‘All This Time’ – Out February 12th

The new single from Lucy Blu is not in the least bit downhearted even as its slow tempo, bluesy refrain may suggest otherwise. ‘All This Time’ is a reflection on a long-term relationship that both continues and plays with the lovesong tradition in country music. Throughout the song, Lucy acknowledges the potential for clichés and standard tropes even as she sets out to write her own. The irony is explicit but by no means does it undermine her own sentiment as she reflects honestly on the staying power of love. Patience, grace, and forgiveness all feature as central tenets in a relationship that remains eternally fresh – ‘I still fall every night for those sky-blue eyes’ – and enduringly strong – ‘I can call you mine even after all this time’. It harbours none of the pain or regret inherent in the two songs whose titles she weaves cleverly into the lyrics, ‘I Will Always Love You’ and ‘Always on My Mind’. Instead, present within it is a deep commitment that helps overcome any clashes in personality, character and temperament which could so easily cause the relationship to turn sour. Some may find this soppy or oversentimental as a result but, in my opinion, ‘All This Time’ contains an image of the kind of love that society needs more of, particularly in these oft-divisive times.

Review written by Gareth Williams (

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