Liberty’s Mother

A staggering statistic is that 1 in 4 women will lose a baby during pregnancy or birth, something you may or may not have experienced personally but I am sure you will know of a friend, neighbour, relative or work colleague who has been directly affected by this devastating experience. As well as the obvious feelings of grief, there is often guilt and anger to contend with at a time that should be full of joy.
UK songwriter Sophie Daniels‘ daughter Liberty was still born in 2011, and the song she wrote for her just a few weeks later, “I Can Love You From Here” has remained private until it was performed for MP’s at the Houses of Parliament during Baby Loss Awareness Week in 2018, the response it received making her realise it needed sharing more widely. It is the first song on her four track EP “Liberty’s Mother” which is released this Friday, 27th September, all profits from the project going to Tommys, a national charity working to reduce the UK’s unacceptable rates of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth.
Obviously a very emotional write, delivered with equally emotional vocals, this beautiful piano led song is actually full of hope at a time when Sophie must have been feeling utterly devastated about her loss and trying to make sense of what had happened. “I’ve tried to look ahead but there’s nothing left to see” she sings near the start of this ballad, but continues with the ultimately uplifting chorus telling Liberty “I don’t know why you’re gone, but the rest is so clear, all I need is to love you and I can love you from here”.
Recorded in Franklin, Nashville, Sophie has written/co written all four of the EP’s country/folk infused tracks, each of which look at a different challenge faced by mothers in the modern world and will have their own animated video to support the release (we will share these with you in due course).

Find out more about this inspiring project here where you can also reorder/presave the EP.

Find out more about Tommy’s and donate here –

Article written by Lesley Hastings (

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