Janelle Arthur “White Horse” Single Review
Last Friday saw the release of ” White Horse”, the latest single from multi talented singer/songwriter/actress Janelle Arthur, the Nashville based artist we introduced you to and interviewed last year (https://www.bellesandgals.com/2018/12/20/introducing-janelle-arthur/)
As a fiercely independent female this song grabbed my attention immediately, being such a great female empowerment write about being totally in charge of your own destiny, something Janelle sings about coming to realise over the years. There’s a great cohesive theme running through it lyrically too, something else I love, with frequent clever references to the fairytales mentioned at the start. “I grew up believing in fairytales just like all the other girls did” she sings at the beginning, but as the song progresses her disillusionment with nonsense such as the notion of Prince Charming becomes evident, and in the soaring chorus she tells us how she can find “my own white horse“…”I ain’t afraid to take the reigns and ride away“. Yes, the key to happiness is in her own hands and no-one elses.
Sonically the song blends classic country instrumentation with a hint of rock (thanks to a great guitar solo!) and showcases what an incredible vocalist Janelle is. Her delivery is full of conviction during both the quiet, reflective verses or when she is unleashing her full vocal power during the choruses.
I hope you enjoy the track as much as me… it’s available stream/download in all the usual places!
Review written by Lesley Hastings (twitter.com/lesleyhastings)