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8 Signs Your Romantic Relationship is Ending – Spot Them Now!

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Les 8 signes d'une relation amoureuse qui se termine

This isn’t just a rough patch…

Life events such as financial, health, or family issues can destabilize a relationship, but certain behaviors typically signal the end of a romantic partnership. “The concern arises from how long these issues persist and whether there’s a desire to overcome this challenging period,” explains Christian Richomme, a psychoanalyst. Here are eight warning signs to be aware of:

  1. Communication becomes sparse or strained: Previously, conversations were frequent, lively, and filled with mutual sharing. Now, they “have dwindled to minimal, transactional exchanges. There’s less emotional sharing, which can indicate growing apart,” notes the psychoanalyst.
  2. Growing indifference: Have both of you lost interest in each other? Are you less curious about his day or the movie he just watched? “This detachment indicates a lack of interest in the other person, leading to fewer questions and engagement,” he observes.
  3. A decline in physical and emotional intimacy: Do you find yourself needing less affection and sweet nothings from him? This disconnect can be a clear sign that the relationship is winding down, according to Christian Richomme. “The frequency of sexual activity can be a telling indicator, especially if you used to be intimate several times a week and now it’s only once a month,” he suggests.
  4. Shifting priorities: Do you feel less committed to your relationship? Does your partner feel the same? If the relationship is no longer a priority, this detachment is another sign. This is particularly true when satisfaction is sought elsewhere, such as with friends, work, or hobbies.
  5. A decrease in joint plans: Are you no longer envisioning a future together and find yourself planning alone? “If you’re uncertain about things like upcoming vacations, it indicates that the future of the relationship is in doubt,” the expert asserts.
  6. Increased frequency of arguments: If everything irritates you and leads to arguments, it’s a strong indication that the relationship is on its last legs, especially if these conflicts “remain unresolved. It reflects a deeper discontent,” he explains.
  7. Heightened criticism towards each other: Is everything a subject for complaint? When love fades, the focus often shifts to “only seeing each other’s flaws and negatives,” he points out.
  8. Feeling better alone than together: Do you feel suffocated or anxious in your partner’s presence? “If you’re happier alone than with your partner, it’s a sign that the relationship is coming to an end,” he assures.

These signs may appear simultaneously or vary in intensity. “It’s possible that one partner may be going through a tough time without it necessarily signaling the end of the relationship,” Christian Richomme clarifies. A key concern is the reduction in emotional intimacy and the tendency to withdraw. “It’s possible to recover from a difficult period, depending on the commitment and will of both partners. However, if only one is willing to work through these issues, the situation becomes more complicated,” warns the professional.

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