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Never Admits Mistakes? Here’s What You Can Do About It!

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Admitting one’s faults is never easy… but it’s hard to bear.

Is it never their fault? A partner who can’t admit their mistakes poses a significant challenge that can disrupt a relationship. “We’re all capable of shifting the blame to someone else when it’s convenient. The first question to ask if you’re dealing with a partner who behaves this way is: Is it just in the relationship? Or is this a daily characteristic?” suggests Sandra Barba, a psychotherapist. If your partner never acknowledges their mistakes in any social interaction, they likely see themselves as a victim in their relationships. “Women are often drawn to this type of personality. We want to help them, but in the long run, it’s draining because a victim never self-reflects. There’s no room for growth: they never take responsibility.” the professional warns.

Why do they act this way? The fear of disappointment is one possibility. It’s not just about disappointing someone else, but also about self-disappointment. “These are individuals who have high standards and project these expectations onto the relationship,” explains Sandra Barba. The fear of failure also plays a role: not admitting mistakes helps avoid facing failures. “By not acknowledging their mistakes, the partner shows they are always up to par. This indicates a self-esteem issue,” the psychotherapist asserts. Moreover, a partner who doesn’t recognize their faults doesn’t have to deal with the consequences of poor choices and the ensuing frustration. “Blaming others helps avoid facing this frustration,” she adds.

Before attempting to address this trait, it’s crucial to understand why the other person consistently adopts this behavior. “You need to analyze why your partner is in such denial,” the psychotherapist advises. “If it’s a demand of the relationship; they need to work on their insecurities. If it stems from a personal issue, the other person needs to learn to deal with it on their own and accept that the problem isn’t the relationship, but themselves,” she continues. To get your partner to admit they never acknowledge their mistakes, communication, which has been one-sided so far, needs to be reworked “it’s not me, it’s you.”

It’s essential to relearn how to speak about oneself and use “I” statements. “You need to explain to your partner how it feels when they behave this way. It’s important to learn to identify your feelings and communicate them to your partner,” emphasizes Sandra Barba. Systematically shifting the blame to others is not without consequences: “It can lower self-esteem and self-confidence and create long-term scars. If one is constantly blamed, there’s a risk of developing anxiety. It can even lead to a breakup,” the psychotherapist concludes with a warning.

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