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Tonight on Netflix: this absolutely shocking film will change the way you look at the world

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We often hear about the negative impacts of video games on society. Countless reports have highlighted the potential downsides, sometimes painting an unbalanced picture. But every so often, a story comes along that flips the script entirely. Premiering on Netflix this October 25th, Ibelin: The Remarkable Life of a Gamer is one such story. It tells how a virtual world brimming with love, friendship, and adventure helped one young man navigate real-life challenges that seemed insurmountable.

A Life Beyond Limits: The Story of Mats Steen


Meet Mats Steen, a young Norwegian man whose life was profoundly affected by Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative disease that progressively weakens the body’s muscles. When Mats passed away in November 2014 at the age of 25, his parents were enveloped in grief. They believed their son had led a solitary existence, isolated from friends outside of their family circle. The thought that he might have missed out on the social connections that make us deeply human weighed heavily on them.

Unveiling a Hidden World

Little did they know, Mats had been living a vibrant digital life for years. Through his charismatic avatar, Ibelin Redmoore, in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft, he had a profound impact on a whole community of gamers. The film takes viewers on a journey through Mats’s online adventures, revealing a side of him his parents never knew.

“Before he died, Mats left us the password to his blog,” his mother recalls, her voice tinged with both sadness and wonder. “There was a good reason for that. It was clear he hoped we’d discover something. Behind that password was a world we didn’t know existed.” She adds, “Mats told me he played with other people, but we thought they didn’t really know him. They had never met, and they didn’t talk, or so we believed.”

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An Outpouring of Love from Around the Globe

Struggling with their loss, Mats’s parents wondered how to notify anyone who might have known their son. They decided to post a message on his blog. What followed was a flood of emails from all over the world. Dozens of people, including members of his guild in World of Warcraft, reached out to share their affection and recount cherished memories they had shared with Mats.

It was a revelation. Their son had touched countless lives, forging deep friendships and making a difference in ways they had never imagined.

Bringing Mats’s Virtual World to Life


Director Benjamin Ree masterfully reconstructs Mats’s years in the game using in-game animations, known as machinimas, and voice acting based on the extensive dialogues Mats had written. Since he was part of a role-playing guild where players fully embody their characters, there were thousands of lines of archived conversations. These precious records allowed the documentary to trace his journey with remarkable accuracy.

“I Used to Be the Most Negative Person in the World”

But the impact of Mats’s life extends beyond just his own story. The film introduces us to those who knew him in the virtual realm. One such person is his virtual love, a young woman from the Netherlands, who credits Mats with helping her emerge from a deep depression. “He pulled me out of a darkness I couldn’t escape,” she shares.

Another poignant example is a mother and son who had struggled to communicate in real life. Through the game and with Mats’s gentle encouragement, they reconnected and healed their relationship. “He could tell me things in the game that he couldn’t say in person,” the mother says, her voice filled with emotion. Her son, who had developed a severe phobia of school, found the courage to return to his studies thanks to Mats. “I used to be the most negative person in the world. Now, I’ve learned to tolerate others,” he reflects.

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A Heartfelt Tribute to an Extraordinary Life

Without shying away from Mats’s frustrations, joys, and sorrows, Ibelin: The Remarkable Life of a Gamer paints an incredibly moving portrait. You don’t have to be a gamer to be drawn into this documentary. It reaches a powerful emotional peak that can touch even the hardest of hearts.

It’s no surprise that the Sundance Film Festival in 2024 honored the film with the Best Documentary Award. Ibelin is now available to stream on Netflix, offering viewers a chance to witness a story that challenges preconceived notions about gaming and its place in our lives.

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